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PASIVTHERM – perfection in every detail


  • Installation width: 86 mm frame and sash;
  • 7-chambered frame and sash.

Window panes:

  • The possibility to use glass of thickness 24-48 mm, Ug value is as follows: single-glazing Ug = 1.1 W/m2K and double-glazing Ug = 0.5 W/m2K.
  • Hardware: – MACO of Muliti-Matic series.
  • Sealing: replaceable EPDM sealing; replaceable central gasket.
  • Reinforcement: frame – closed 38 x 24mm, sash – profiled 38 x 28mm.



The PASIVTHERM window system is the most modern solution enclosed in a classic shape. The window seven chamber profile structure distinguishing a large reinforcing chamber guarantees that the windows, apart from the excellent thermal insulation parameters maintain high static properties. The variety of configurations – three-pane assemblies with the so called interpane “warm frame” with the heat penetration coefficient = 0.5 W/m2K, and the centre seal enable to design the windows with the parameters meeting the most rigorous requirements of the passive construction.

PASIVTHERM windows means the guarantee that your house will be peaceful and warm.

Profiles – the seven chamber profiles with the depth of fitting of 86 mm (casement and frame).

Panes – the possibility of glazing with two-pane assemblies with the width of 26 mm and the heat penetration coefficient of Ug = 1.1 W/m2K, and the three-pane assemblies of the Ug­coefficient of Ug = 0.5 W/m2K. Our offer includes a wide range of the assemblies with ornamental panes, panes made of antisol, reflex, safety, anti burglar and sound-absorbing glass.

Seals – 3 replaceable seals as standard, 2 rebate and 1 middle one thanks to which the thermal parameters and acoustic properties of the window are improved.

Reinforcement – the large, specifically profiled reinforcements made of galvanized steel with the thickness of 1.5 – 2 mm ensure the appropriate window static, even for large windows.

Colours – a rich colour palette from classic white, through single-colour and wood-like veneers, up to windows varnished according to the RAL palette. There is a possibility to manufacture the windows on a white, brown, and grey core.

Window fittings – of Muliti-Matic series of the reputed MACO manufacturer are a guarantee of the problem-free use for many years. These window fittings are classified as 5, i.e. the highest class of resistance to corrosion. The micro-ventilation function integrated with the window regulator scissors enables the movement of the window casement from the frame away by 10-13 mm.